Friday, May 24, 2013

Eating Right! and counting calories... yes you heard right, unfortunately, you need to learn to count calories!

For a while now, I have been following a high plant based diet... with a few off days here and there.
A few months in though, I noticed that I have really lost weight. Around 8 Kgs in fact. This is a lot for someone who is already thin.

This is when my husband felt he had to step in and say something.  Since he was a personal trainer at some point, and is a Dr. now, he does understand the body's needs for protein and carbs to meet your daily BMR. If you dont know what that is, its your Basal Metabolic Rate. Basically, it is the minimum amount of energy (in calories) that your body needs every day for its basic functions (like: breathing, heart beating, digesting food... etc). Unfortunately, although I fought I am eating right, I was not even meeting my BMR. Which means, my body was starving and loosing muscle mass. my cortisol levels were up. This is NOT what I wanted.

As a result, I started learning about calories, something which Kimberly Snyder does NOT do, nor teach you to do. Nowadays, regardless of what I read, I know the importance of calories and meeting your daily required numbers.

Educate yourself better!
This is the main advice I can give you....
I did...

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