Sunday, January 6, 2013

Beauty Rule # 1

Our bodies are not meant to digest all kinds of foods together...

There is a difference between foods depending on the water content. What does this mean?
Basically, "concentrated foods are foods that do not contain any water. They include all proteins and starches. Non concentrated foods are water-containing foods." (Kimberly Snyder, The Beauty Detox Solution).

Non Concentrated Foods: Ripe fruit, Non-Starch Vegetables.
Concentrated Foods: All Starches (grains, starchy vegetables, breads... etc) and All Proteins (fish, chicken, meat, seeds, nuts... etc).

So how does this apply to your every day diet?
Since the stomach produces specific juices to digest concentrated foods that differ from non-concentrated foods, we should be careful not to mix a large combination of concentrated foods together, especially if the meal does not contain any non-concentrated foods!

Dont get me wrong, "we can handle most concentrated foods pretty well, but we can only eat one type at a time in order to maximize digestion"(Kimberly Snyder, The Beauty Detox Solution).

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